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Participatory Dark Sky Quality Monitoring from Ita=
ly: Interactions
Between Awareness Raising and Research
Andrea Giacomelli1,*, =
span>Luciano Massetti=
span>2, Francesco Sabatini2, <=
lang=3DEN-US style=3D'color:windowtext;mso-no-proof:yes'>Elena Maggi3
= [1]<= /a> 1Attivarti.= org, Torniella, Italy
2 Institute of Biometeorology of the National Resea= rch Council of Italy, Florence, Italy
span> Department of Biology,
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
05 December 2016, Accepted 21 December 2016
Research on light pollution and its effects developed in Italy through a peculiar pa= th. After originating seminal work in the late Nineties, above all the first wo= rld atlas of night sky brightness, the academic system apparently did not lever= age this asset to a wider set of studies. In parallel, some activities which are prerequisites to research and analysis, such as measurement campaigns or development of calibration tests, were initiated in a ¡°grassroots mode¡± by other sectors of society, such as non-governmental associations.
One of the relevant example of this process is the BuioMetria Partecipativa pro= ject which was started in 2008 in Italy with the aim of encouraging non-professionals to collect data on light pollution as a strategy for environmental awareness raising. The BMP project conjugates this component = with a scientific approach, allowing the collection of valuable quantitative environmental data, using a low-cost device, called Sky Quality Meter (SQM), provided to citizens. The measurements are loaded to a database on the proj= ect web site, and are published in a variety of formats.
In 2011 the system was extended to collect data from fixed SQM stations for continuous monitoring, with the development of automated data harvesting procedures and leading to complement the citizen science measures with more high-quality time series of light pollution data.
the national level, the project obtained considerable recognition, in terms=
citizen participation and media coverage. Most interestingly from a research
perspective, the project acted as a trigger to initiate light pollution stu=
by Italian experts, namely in the areas of biometeorology and marine ecolog=
The article will review the process which led the authors to escalate their operations from awareness raising to research, and will provide an overview= of the models and of the first tests conducted in the context of our research studies.
Keywords: Italy, Marine ecology, Bio=
Citizen science, Awareness raising
1. Introduction
light at night is an essential element of modern civilization, enabling to
illuminate residential and industrial areas, and infrastructure after sunse=
thus enabling the prolongation of social and economic activities. At the sa=
time, the amount and type of emitted light, often excessive compared to real
needs, causes negative effects on various sectors, like professional and
amateur astronomic observations, ecology, safety and human health [1-4].
numerous studies are still underway to quantify the effect of artificial li=
in the various impact categories above, it is quite clear that over the past
decades the introduction of light in nightlife settings has often been done
without considering these effects, sometimes even due to the limited knowle=
of technicians regarding good design and installation practices. We therefo=
find ourselves in a situation where there is both the need to investigate t=
issue related to light pollution and to sensitize various sections of socie=
on this issue.
this context, Italy seems to hold a peculiar role, since it is historically
renowned as one of the countries with the highest level of light pollution =
Such a condition is compounded by the fact that, in spite of the remarkable
increase in the percentage use of renewable energy (now tending to 40% of t=
total energy requirements [6]), the country is strongly dependent on import=
fossil fuel sources. This picture should warrant research, knowledge transf=
decision support and awareness raising opportunities to all the stakeholders
involved in light pollution issues. However, compared to other countries un=
similar socio-economic conditions, where an interdisciplinary approach to l=
pollution studies has developed and is serving various sectors of society, =
Italian research system has produced to date a sparse body of knowledge [7-=
1. Italy at night, panorama. ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the E=
Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center; http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov.,
Image number ISS041-E-90188
research activities are often fragmented and involving small teams.
Consequently, their results are poorly disseminated, both in the academic
sector and in other parts of society which may benefit of outreach on the t=
of light pollution issues. In this context, actors that have played the rol=
e of
disseminating this issue to the society, obtained the result of raising
awareness of interdisciplinary scientists. This paper deals with one of the
experiences that has developed in Italy, describing the Buiometria project =
its impacts on scientists working in the areas of biometeorology and marine
2. Attivarti.org and the Buiometria Partecipativa Project=
is a non-profit association created in May 2011. The association¡¯s mission=
¡°the protection and the promotion of lesser known resources in the areas of
culture, environment, and open innovation¡±. It was created to give a formal
body to a series of initiatives which started in 2006 through the networkin=
g of
citizens located primarily in Milan and in Southern Tuscany. Attivarti.org =
animated on one side by technicians with multiple years of experience in
environmental engineering, geographic information systems and land planning,
and on the other by residents of three hamlets in Southern Tuscany. The
combination of these elements leads to a mode of operation in the developme=
Attivarti.org¡¯s initiatives which is possibly not totally new, but still q=
original compared to other associations.
flagship project run by Attivarti.org is called BuioMetria Partecipativa (B=
This was started in 2008 as an initiative to attain three parallel objectiv=
raise awareness on light pollution, collect quantitative data to characteri=
night sky quality, and promote rural areas with dark skies for tourism and
educational and research purposes. For the latter purpose, the association =
a privileged viewpoint, as its headquarters are in Torniella, a 270-resident
village in the Farma Valley (100 km South of Florence), at the centre of on=
e of
the three dark areas in Italy.
BuioMetria Partecipativa working group has been following four main action
• Citizen
science, by engaging people from all sectors of society and age ranges who
borrowed Sky Quality Metres (SQM¡¯s) [14] from the Attivarti.org pool, or u=
their own sensor. Figure 2 shows the locations were measurements have been
taken between May 2008 and November 2016. The sensors were called ¡°buiomet=
a neologism which in English might become ¡°dark-o-meter¡± in order to repl=
the English name of the sensor in interactions with rural stakeholders (hen=
the name of the project ¡°participatory buiometria¡±). The collected data is
uploaded to the project web site and is subsequently displayed via a web-map
interface. A reporting system is also available, allowing the execution of
complex queries on the database. Data may also be downloaded and is distrib=
with an Open Database License.
• Outreach,
with over 100 presentations given throughout the country (and occasionally
abroad). These presentations were either within events organized directly by
the association, invited lectures, or talks submitted at conferences,
exhibitions or festivals. The project had a significant presence in the med=
with several interviews on national radio stations, one report from one of =
main TV channels, and national press. The project has also produced videos,
launched a photo contest (in 2010, receiving entries by over 600 participan=
from 52 countries), created tutorials and more multimedia material. A unique
product of the project is a model of a road with a night sky created using =
m of optic fiber of three different diameters. The model is equipped with
potentiometers controlling the intensity of the street lighting, globes with
different levels of transparency, and cut-off covers, thus allowing the
simulation of different light pollution issues. The model has been used in
various outreach events and hosted in a natural history museum in Leghorn a=
in Festambiente, one the main national festivals on environmental awareness=
• Networking,
by systematically searching for other subjects engaged in the topic of
artificial light at night. In this respect the project has established links
with numerous stakeholders, activists and researchers, both in Italy and
abroad, eventually being invited to participate in the Loss of the Night
Network project as the primary point of contact in Italy.
• Monitoring,
with the creation of an information system for the acquisition and sharing =
night sky brightness data, complementing the hand-held measurements made in
citizen science mode. More details about CORDILIT are provided in the follo=
3. The CORDILIT Netwo=
the second half of 2010 the BMP team started to think of a way to implement=
network of fixed SQM stations, so as to have a stable set of measurement
locations complementing the ¡°bottom up¡± layer of measures deriving from t=
citizen science activity. While designing the software to harvest data from=
stations, an effort was made to contact all subjects in Italy who were know=
n at
the time to be active in this area. This led to a series of workshops meeti=
in Rome, Nove, and Mantova: the idea of a network of federated sensors took
shape. Not all of the contacted organizations accepted to join the group, b=
still the team had a sufficient number of instruments to move into an
operational phase. In March 2011 the CORDILIT (Coordinamento per la Raccolta
Dati di Inquinamento Luminoso in Italia, i.e. coordination for the collecti=
of light pollution data in Italy) was launched. The initiative initially
comprised five sensors, deriving from the joint operation of VenetoStellato,
grouping several amateur astronomer observatories active in light pollution
prevention in the Veneto region, and Attivarti.org. As of November 2016,
CORDILIT has data from 15 sensors. Plans to add more sensors are being
evaluated. As for the BMP hand-held data, the CORDILIT time series are rele=
as raw data under the Open Database License.
Fig. 2. Location of the
measurements acquired from May 2008 through November 2016 by citizens lendi=
hand-held SQM¡¯s from the BuioMetria Partecipativa Project.
4. The Role of IBIMET
2014, the Institute of Biometeorology of the National Research Council
(hereafter IBIMET) started to collaborate with Attivarti.org.
aims to define strategies and develop technological and operational solutio=
for sustainable agriculture and other environmental issues raised by human
activities and climate change.
the active involvement in the COST Action Loss of the Night Network (LoNNe),
IBIMET started to study light pollution and its potential effects on plant
first concrete action was made in 2015 when the Attivarti.org and IBIMET
organized an inter-comparison campaign in Tuscany. European scientists met =
compare sky quality measurements acquired with different devices in Torniel=
a dark rural site, and in Florence, a polluted urban site.
campaign was mainly focused on assessing reliability of low cost SQM device=
s in
comparison to other instruments and the results were published in a final
report [15].
the COST action, IBIMET and Attivarti.org were also involved in local and
national dissemination activities on light pollution, such as participation=
public events in Leghorn and Montelupo Fiorentino and publication of a chap=
in the book ¡°Anno della Luce¡±, published by the National Research Council
during the International Year of Light [16].
the campaign, IBIMET and Attivarti.org decided to create a fixed network for
monitoring dark sky quality in Tuscany, making use of Sky Quality Meters (S=
In particular, the option was for SQM-LU-DL devices, equipped with shields =
protect the sensor from rain. These devices have the advantage of being bat=
supplied and characterized by storage capacity, as to be used in remote sit=
that cannot be frequently accessed. After a first comparison in Sesto
Fiorentino (Figure 3), one device was installed in the light polluted site =
CNR campus and another one in the dark site of Montecristo Island, thanks to
the collaboration with the Corpo Forestale dello Stato (Figure 4).
Fig. 3. The SQM sensors=
CNR in Sesto Fiorentino. After a cross-calibration phase, one of the two
sensors has been re-deployed in Montecristo.
Fig. 4. The SQM sensor at Montecristo Isla=
data collected by the IBIMET sensors have been periodically integrated in t=
CORDLIT database, managed by Attivarti.org.
the same period, IBIMET also started to investigate potential effects of
artificial light at night (ALAN) on plant development and its interaction w=
other abiotic factors like air temperature. In fact, even though artificial
light is used to stimulate plant growth in horticulture, there is a limited
knowledge about the effects of artificial street lighting on urban
vegetation. Past studies show=
some effects of ALAN on plant phenology [17-19], but they were mainly run i=
n a
controlled environment. From some observations on Platanus acerifolia,
collected at the beginning of winter 2014-2015 in Florence, IBIMET observed
that trees under street lighting maintained green leaves for a longer time =
trees far from the direct light (Figure 5). Taking inspiration from these
observations, IBIMET started to systematically monitor autumn phenology of
Platanus acerifolia and of other tree species commonly used in the urban
environment, in order to assess potential effects of street lighting.
Fig. 5. Platanus acerif=
canopy in the streets of Florence (7th January 2015)
5. Collaborative Activities with UNIPI
2015, Attivarti.org and the Department of Biology of the University of Pisa
(hereafter UNIPI) started a collaborative experience, with the aim of study=
possible effects of night light pollution on marine coastal assemblages. The
research activities of marine ecologists at UNIPI focus on the role of a
variety of factors in structuring coastal assemblages, from climate change =
biological invasions, from loss of biodiversity to local anthropogenic sour=
of stress. Coastal habitats are, in fact, threatened by a variety of stress=
directly or indirectly related to human activities. A recent review by Davi=
and colleagues [20] showed that artificial light pollution is globally
widespread in marine environments; coastal habitats, in particular, are exp=
to high levels of artificial light at night, due to permanent urban
developments (e.g. cities, towns and their harbors), as well as to temporary
sources of light linked to shipping and fisheries activities.
pollution has the potential to alter many biological processes, due to the =
role of light intensity and photoperiod for organismal metabolism and behav=
Research on terrestrial systems has shown that light pollution may cause
habitat displacement, modulate reproductive development, alter daily activi=
patterns, disrupt navigations [21-24] . Recent studies made important advan=
on potential effects on freshwater systems [25-27]. However, knowledge of t=
effects of light pollution on many aquatic habitats is still scarce. In par=
only a few studies experimentally investigated possible effects on marine
coastal environments [28-29]. This is at odds with the key role of light in
guiding different metabolic processes (e.g. photosynthesis) and behaviors (=
synchronized broadcast spawning events, vertical migrations, prey location,
bioluminescent communications) in marine species.
ecologists of UNIPI, in collaboration with Attivarti.org, decided to focus
attention on the possible role of night light pollution as an additional key
stressor in structuring coastal benthic habitats. In fact, by living at the
interface between the aerial and the marine kingdom, intertidal assemblages
represent potentially highly impacted systems from alteration of night light
intensity and spectra. This is of major importance, considering the high
productivity of these systems. The aim of the collaboration was twofold: fi=
to extend the BuioMetria partecipativa database, by starting a monitoring
activity specifically focused on intertidal sites. This activity was carried
out with the use of portable SQM devices from Attivarti.org. Second, to run=
in situ investigations, to experimentally test the potential role of night
light pollution on small food webs. This kind of experiments imply finding a
suitable, relatively dark location where to artificially lit replicated sit=
while leaving untouched others (i.e. additional replicated sites are left d=
at night and used as controls), in order to correctly disentangle the possi=
effect of artificial light at night treatment from natural variability among
different sites. Due to the current transition from high-pressure sodium (H=
to light-emitting diode (LED) lighting [5], UNIPI opted for using white LED
lamps to simulate the installation of sources of artificial light along the
coast. For these filed investigations, we were hosted by the Marina Militar=
e of
La Spezia at Maralunga (Liguria region), where intertidal rocky shore food =
are currently investigated at each of two lit and 2 control sites (Fig. 6),=
nighttime brightness is sampled by means of SQMs.
6. Field experiment on the rocky shore at Maralunga (La Spezia, Italy).
7 Conclusions
research in the area of artificial light at night is a topic that in Italy
followed a peculiar path. After a phase at the end of the Nineties, which
spawned seminal works such as the first light pollution world atlas [30], t=
potential that may have derived from such works has not been exploited at t=
national level by research institutions. This is at odds with the high leve=
of light pollution characterizing the Italian peninsula and the consequent
potential interest of Italian scientists on the topic.
topic has been indeed maintained alive by other organizations, often operat=
more on the outreach and activism sectors, starting from initiatives aimed =
raising awareness on the topic of light pollution, collecting field data, a=
campaigning to support the introduction of adequate light pollution mitigat=
guidelines in regional legislation.
efforts have served as one of the enabling factors to trigger new research
work, which has started to account for the interdisciplinary approach that =
other countries has produced relevant results. Scientific investigations on=
effects of artificial light at night on plants and coastal benthic habitats=
Italy are still in progress and conclusions cannot yet be made. However, the
efforts made to date are relevant to show the consolidation of a ¡®knowledge
system¡¯ related to ALAN studies that shows a maturation of the potential to
investigate ALAN issues with an interdisciplinary approach, and is expected=
foster results in the short term. In parallel, the ¡°bottom up¡± awareness
raising action by the BuioMetria Partecipativa project is expected to conti=
at least through June 2018, which will mark ten years of this initiative,
trusting that it will inspire Italian and international scientists to devel=
more research activities in Italy as a case study, and enhancing the mode of
operation which led to the collaborations summarized in this article.
for this work go to: Francesco Giubbilini, Luca Delucchi, and Stefano Costa=
their support in the early stages (2008-2012) of the BuioMetria Partecipati=
and CORDILIT projects, Leopoldo Dalla Gassa and the Veneto Stellato
Association, for their ongoing support in the CORDILIT operation, the ES-12=
Loss of the Night Network Cost Action, and to the communities of Torniella =
Piloni, in Southern Tuscany for their support in the 2015 LoNNe intercompar=
campaign and most of all for their continued commitment in the BuioMetria
Partecipativa Project and other Attivarti.org initiatives.
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