Light Pollution Mapping from a Stratospheric High-Altitude Balloon Platform
The NITELite (Night Imaging of Terrestrial Environments Lite) system is a method of collecting regional-scale light emissions data from a latex high-altitude balloon (LHAB) platform. An LHAB can reach altitudes of 25-30km from where the nighttime imaging is performed. LHAB missions are relatively low cost (<$2000US/flight) and easy to repeat. A NITELite mission collects data with high resolution (<10m/px), color information (RGB) over a region of thousands of square kilometers. This system provides a new source of data for remote sensing of artificial light at night (ALAN) research, filling the data gap between aerial and satellite observations. Nighttime LHAB-based imaging can provide data to support fields of ALAN research such as observation of real-time variability, monitoring effects of seasonal changes and events of interest, and measuring angular dependence of ALAN sources. NITELite includes an imaging system, an inertial and positional recording on-board-computer, and an altitude control system. Preliminary results demonstrate the potential of this method for future ALAN research.
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